
Apparently I should welcome you using bloggers' "rich text editor" fancy that :D anyways this is my blog, hope you enjoy and sorry if its hard to follow but my title is quite apt: "Random Ramblings and Other Thoughts." Also I'm crazy.. Ha only joking, gotcha! :)

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A blog virgin no more!

Wow, I feel like such a blogging virgin. Unaccustomed I am to this whole new world of cyber space and sharing the days' details with the world, tis awesome though! Well until I get a better grasp on what I am actually meant to be talking about I'm just going to stay true to my page title and do a little rambling about my day today.. One step at a time we can do this world! :D Today I am going shopping.. big shocker there I know. Love to shop and the sales are meant to be unreal this year. Finally I'll be able to get my moneysworth out of Topshop, screw you high flying corporate exec. us poor teens gotta look good too.. but for much, much less. After that ANYWAY I am in for a very exciting and wholly tantilising evening of eating probably and failing once again today at my health blitz (don't you just hate people who can actually stick to those things and then they tell you about it? - cheers thats just what i needed, excuse me from my trough of hagan daas as i take a brief interlude between feeding to converse with another human.) anyway, what were we talking about? oh yeah my wild evening, I'm glad i don't have an issue with watching whatever comes on the box!